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Our Impact

The Student Transition and Resilience (STAR) programme incorporates the latest evidence on learning and development, key predictors of positive resilience, and strategies to enhance learning and resilience for children as they transition through school.

In partnership with schools and communities, we invest in two critical solutions that improve education and livelihood outcomes for children:

  1. Improving Core Foundational Skills for Students.

  2. Improving Access to Education Resources. 

1. Improving Core Foundational Skills for Students.

Using the classroom as platform for change, we invest in learner-centered, skills-based experiences for children through three critical solutions that increase the core foundational skills of learners.

  1. A Literacy and Numeracy Intervention to improve foundational skills that are essential for academic achievement and lifelong day today functioning.

  2. Life Skills Mentoring to improve child agency and essential skills to succeed in the 21st century. 

  3. Project Based Learning to make learning practical, meaningful, and applicable for the learners and their communities. 

These proven solutions radically increase learner resilience, transition through school and achievement of education outcomes.

2. Improving Access to Education Resources.

Three kinds of resources are necessary for delivery of high quality formal and non-formal education programmes. These are Human resources, Material resources and Financial resources. We invest in increasing the availability and quality of these critical resources through the solutions below. 

  1. School Improvement Scorecard. The school improvement scorecard, engages stakeholders of a school, including learners, parents, teachers, and local government, to collaborate in identifying the most pressing needs for school improvement. The stakeholders then work with WatuDev Initiatives to jointly plan, raise resources, and implement a custom solution that addresses a critical need for the school.

  2. Digital Learning Platform. To improve access to learning resources and improve digital skills, a digital learning platform that delivers free educational resources aligned to the Uganda national curriculum was established. The platform started as an emergency action in response to Covid19 and has since been used by over 500 learners and educators. For free access to learning resources, visit

These proven solutions radically improve access to education resources and achievement of education outcomes.


Partner School Spotlight:

Louise Junior School, Bukomansimbi

Co-founded by two retired teachers, Louise Junior School is a low cost, under resourced school, that has educated over 250 learners annually over the last decade.
Through the Student Transition and Resilience Training program, our partnership will strengthen the education system and resources at Louise Junior School.
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